HackenProof: Reports

Triaged by HackenProof
Reports (230)
This section only displays reports with the following statuses: Resolved, Disclosed, and Informative.
Vulnerability category

Content is hidden

Content Spoofing

Content is hidden

Lack of Rate Limiting Protections (i.e. CAPTCHA)

Content is hidden

Lack of Rate Limiting Protections (i.e. CAPTCHA)

Content is hidden

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Content is hidden

Lack of Verification Email

Content is hidden

Insecure Authentication

Content is hidden

Sensitive Data Exposure

Content is hidden

Unsecure Design

Content is hidden

Cross-site Scripting (XSS) - DOM

May 20
Medium ( 6.9 ) $10.0

Resource Injection