ID Submit date Publish date Author Score
1 10.26.2018 10.26.2018 10.0


A 10 minute check turns up a couple major issues. First, the random function relies only on the following numbers:

  1. A custom integer used as a random factor, hardcoded into the contract.
  2. The prior block's hash.
  3. The length of the list of eligible donkeys This random number is used to choose which of the donkeys is paid out. Ethereum blocks come about every 45 seconds; therefore, there is plenty of time for an attacker to calculate out if they would be the paid-out donkey and only trigger the contract with a payment if they are the recipient.

This qualifies as a severe bug to my mind. It is not mitigated by the contract's popularity -- more people playing increase your chances of being lucky -- but when the contract is not used often, there is a guaranteed way to prod it and get paid out.


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