Kinetic is here to kickstart De-Fi and guide the Flare ecosystem into its next stage of explosive growth. We want to inspire you to activate your assets, whether they are traditional (ERC20) or non-traditional (FAssets), and turn their latent potential into progress. Through the tooling provided by Kinetic, you can develop and employ advanced financial strategies with long-term benefits. We are an ecosystem-tailored money market enhanced with an optional work-to-earn element through Kii Stake.
Target | Type | Severity | Reward |
---|---|---|---| Copy Commit: b32284b26eeb159f6d6a66b35b920b003279280b | Smart Contract | Critical | Bounty |
Commit: b32284b26eeb159f6d6a66b35b920b003279280b
Only the following impacts are accepted within this bug bounty program. All other impacts are not considered as in-scope, even if they affect something in the assets in scope table.
The following activities are prohibited by this contest event:
We use Discord as official communication channel: Join the channel, and create #support ticket to be added for conversation.
We are happy to thank everyone who submits valid reports which help us improve the security. However, only those that meet the following eligibility requirements may receive a monetary reward:
File: Tokenomics/RedeemBurnRateCalculatorV3.sol
File: Governance/ProtocolToken.sol
File: Tokenomics/esProtocol.sol
File: Tokenomics/UniV3Oracle.sol
File: PauseGuardian.sol
File: Unitroller.sol
File: ComptrollerV2.sol
File: ComptrollerLib.sol
File: AllowList.sol
File: FTSO/ProtocolFTSOV2Oracle.sol
File: FTSO/sETH.sol
File: FTSO/sNative.sol
File: Tokenomics/rewards/CTokenRewards.sol
File: CErc20Delegator.sol
File: CErc20Delegate.sol
File: JumpRateModel.sol
File: Lens.sol
File: UniswapV3Liquidator.sol
Missed dependencies (included)
File: Comptroller.sol
File: CErc20.sol
File: Tokenomics/esProtocolStorage.sol
File: Exponential.sol
File: PriceOracle.sol
File: CToken.sol
File: ExponentialNoError.sol
File: SafeMath.sol
File: ErrorReporter.sol
File: PriceOracleV2.sol
File: CarefulMath.sol
File: InterestRateModel.sol
File: ComptrollerStorage.sol
File: OverridablePriceOracle.sol
File: Exponential-0.8.sol
File: Governance/ProtocolTokenStorage.sol
File: Tokenomics/rewards/CTokenRewardsStorage.sol
File: OpenZeppelin/Ownable.sol
File: OpenZeppelin/SafeERC20.sol
File: OpenZeppelin/Address.sol
File: OpenZeppelin/Ownable2Step.sol
File: BaseLiquidator.sol
File: forge/Path.sol
File: forge/ForgeLibrary.sol
File: forge/BytesLib.sol
File: ComptrollerInterface.sol
File: EIP20NonStandardInterface.sol
File: EIP20Interface.sol
File: FTSO/IFTSOV2.sol
File: FTSO/IExchangeableAsset.sol
File: Tokenomics/IAllowlist.sol
File: Tokenomics/IRedeemBurnRateCalculator.sol
File: CTokenInterfaces.sol
File: IWETH.sol
File: moneyMarket/EIP20NonStandardInterface.sol
File: moneyMarket/ComptrollerInterface.sol
File: moneyMarket/PriceOracle.sol
File: moneyMarket/InterestRateModel.sol
File: moneyMarket/CTokenInterfaces.sol
File: pangolin/ICallee.sol
File: pangolin/IPangolinFactory.sol
File: pangolin/IPangolinPair.sol
File: forge/IUniswapV3Factory.sol
File: forge/ICallee.sol
File: forge/IUniswapV3Pool.sol
File: forge/ISwapRouter.sol
File: forge/IEnosysDexV3.sol
File: equilibre/IPairFactory.sol
File: equilibre/IPairCallee.sol
File: equilibre/IPair.sol
Rewards Distribution
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