Member since: June 11, 2018
Submissions 92
Programs 3
Triaged by Hackenproof
program imageNEVERDIE launched the NEVERDIE Coin (NDC) and the Teleport token (TPT) in 2017 to unite virtual worlds and online games on the blockchain with interoperable virtual goods.
Started date: 29 Jan 2019Last updated: 04 Mar 2025Submitted reports: 2
up to $3,000
smart contract
Triaged by Hackenproof
program image
Neverdie WebARCHIVED
NEVERDIE is a driving force in Virtual Pop Culture and the economics of the Virtual goods market, Setting and breaking numerous Guinness World Records since 2004 for the Most Valuable Virtual items.
Started date: 27 Jan 2018Last updated: 04 Mar 2025Submitted reports: 68
up to $1,500
Triaged by Hackenproof
program image
In 2018 NEVERDIE launched Dragon King the first blockchain strategy game to utilize NDC and TPT and the NEVERDIE crypto gaming wallet and API to support developers to integrate NDC and TPT into the next generation of online games.
Started date: 12 Jul 2018Last updated: 04 Mar 2025Submitted reports: 22
up to $1,500