Cronos Smart Contracts: Program Info

Triaged by HackenProof

This bug bounty program is focused on smart contracts and decentralised applications in Cronos blockchain with the emphasis on any vulnerabilities causing unintentional withdrawal/draining of funds/loss of user funds. The program covers key projects in the Cronos ecosystem, including VVS Finance, Tectonic, and other DeFi projects. Cronos is the EVM chain running in parallel to the Cronos POS Chain ( It aims to massively scale the DeFi and decentralised application (DApp) ecosystem, by providing developers with the ability to instantly port apps from Ethereum and EVM-compatible chains.

In Scope

Target Type Severity Reward

Smart Contract - VVS - WCRO

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VVS - Factory

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VVS - Router

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VVS - Token

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VVS - Workbench

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VVS - Craftsman

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VVS - Multicall2

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VVS - VVSVault

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VVS - VVSPair - CRO-USDC

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VVS - CraftmanAdmin

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Tectonic Smart Contracts and Security

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Tectonic Price Oracle

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VVS - CraftsmanV2

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VVS - Rewarder

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VVS - ConditionalLiquidity

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VVS - Zap

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VVS ZapEstimator

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Ferro LPToken

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Ferro AmplificationUtils

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Ferro SwapUtils

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Ferro SwapDeployer

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Ferro Swap

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Ferro USDBetaPool

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VVS IGODeployer

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VVS IGOV2 (Ferro Token)

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VVS IGOVesting (Ferro Token)

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VVS IGOV2 (Minted Token)

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VVS IGOVesting (Minted Token)

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VNO - LCRO

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - VNO Token

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Veno Reservoir

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Veno Fountain

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Veno Garden

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Veno NFT

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Orby - ActivePool

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Orby - BorrowerOperations

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Orby - TroveManager

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Orby - CollSurplusPool

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Orby - StabilityPoolIssuance

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Orby - DefaultPool

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Orby - PriceFeed

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Orby - SortedTroves

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Orby - StabilityPool

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -Vault

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -Router

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -Vault Price Feed

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -FLP Manager

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -Shorts Tracker

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -Order Book

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -Position Router

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -Position Manager

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -Fast Price Events

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -Fast Price Feed

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -Vault Utils

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -Staked FUL Tracker

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -Staked FUL Distributor

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -Bonus FUL Tracker

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -Bonus FUL Distributor

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -Fee FUL Tracker

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -Fee FUL Distributor

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -Fee FLP Tracker

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -FeeFlpDistributor

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -StakedFlpTracker

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -StakedFlpDistributor

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -FulVester

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -FlpVester

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Smart Contract - Fulcrom -RewardRouter

Smart Contract Critical Bounty

Extreme: Up to $250,000

If a report comes forward that the Cronos team believes deserves a larger reward, perhaps due to the novelty of the attack, the Cronos team will offer an additional $50,000.


Only the latest release version deployed to mainnet is considered as in-scope of the bug bounty program. Please note the following are out of scope:
All folders and files labeled as “Mock” or “Test”

Impacts in scope
Only the following impacts are accepted within this bug bounty program. All other impacts are not considered as in-scope, even if they affect something in the assets in scope table.

Smart Contract

  • Cryptographic flaws - Critical
  • Cronos (blockchain), smart contracts and app with the focus on any vulnerabilities causing unintentional withdrawal/draining of funds/loss of user funds - Critical


The following vulnerabilities are excluded from the rewards for this bug bounty program:

  • Attacks that the reporter has already exploited themselves, leading to damage
  • Attacks that rely on social engineering
  • Attacks requiring access to leaked keys/credentials
  • Attacks requiring access to privileged addresses

Smart Contracts

  • Incorrect data supplied by third party oracles
  • Not to exclude oracle manipulation/flash loan attacks
  • Basic economic governance attacks (e.g. 51% attack)
  • Lack of liquidity
  • Best practice critiques
  • Sybil attacks
  • Design issues that are not necessarily a security risk .
  • Initialization or deployment difficulties solvable via redeployment.
  • Reports that are suspected to be generated using automated or generative tools.
  • Potential vulnerabilities that require intervention from a third party (e.g., adding a malicious liquidity pool) that is prohibited by existing policies (such as whitelisted pools only).
  • Devaluing of protocol incentive rewards but do not result in the loss of user funds.
  • Dilutions of protocol incentive rewards but do not result in the loss of user funds.
  • Vulnerabilities found within developmental code on GitHub which is not currently in production.
  • Assets not declared in the scope.
  • Incorrect or missing contract settings that do not lead to user fund losses.
  • Gas draining.
  • Previously known attack vectors or vulnerabilities (resolved or not) for which a bounty has already been awarded, including those that are similar but not identical. e.g smart contract logic used in DApp1 and DApp2.
  • Previously known vulnerabilities (resolved or not) on the Ethereum network (and any other fork of these).
  • Previously known vulnerabilities in Tendermint and or/any other fork of these.
  • Previously known vulnerabilities in cosmos-sdk and or/any other fork of these.
  • Previously known vulnerable libraries without a working Proof of Concept.
  • Previously known vulnerabilities in CometBFT and or/any other fork of these.
  • Public Zero-day vulnerabilities
  • Feature request
  • Best practices
  • VVS-Bench is Out of Scope
  • Denial of service (DoS) / Distributed Denial of Service(DDOS) / Spamming
  • Any testing with mainnet or public testnet contracts is prohibited by this bug bounty program; all testing should be done on private testnets
  • Any testing with pricing oracles or third party smart contracts is prohibited by this bug bounty program
  • Attempting phishing or other social engineering attacks against our employees and/or customers is prohibited by this bug bounty program
  • Any testing with third party systems and applications (e.g. browser extensions) as well as websites (e.g. SSO providers, advertising networks) is prohibited by this bug bounty program
  • Public disclosure of an unpatched vulnerability in an embargoed bounty is prohibited by this bug bounty program
  • Avoid using web application scanners for automatic vulnerability searching or automated testing of services which generates massive traffic
  • Make every effort not to damage or restrict the availability of products, services, or infrastructure
  • Avoid compromising any personal data, interruption, or degradation of any service
  • Don’t access or modify other user data, localize all tests to your accounts
  • Perform testing only within the scope
  • Don’t exploit any DoS/DDoS vulnerabilities, social engineering attacks, or spam
  • Don’t spam forms or account creation flows using automated scanners
  • In case you find chain vulnerabilities we’ll pay only for vulnerability with the highest severity
  • Don’t break any law and stay in the defined scope
  • Any details of found vulnerabilities must not be communicated to anyone who is not a HackenProof Team or an authorized employee of this Company without appropriate permission
  • Do not discuss this program or any vulnerabilities (even resolved ones) outside of the program without express consent from the organization
  • No vulnerability disclosure, including partial is allowed for the moment
  • Please do NOT publish/discuss bugs

We are happy to thank everyone who submits valid reports which help us improve the security. However, only those that meet the following eligibility requirements may receive a monetary reward:

  • You must be the first reporter of a vulnerability
  • The vulnerability must be a qualifying vulnerability
  • Any vulnerability found must be reported no later than 24 hours after discovery and exclusively through
  • You must send a clear textual description of the report along with steps to reproduce the issue, include attachments such as screenshots or proof of concept code as necessary
  • You must not be a former or current employee of us or one of its contractor
  • ONLY USE the EMAIL under which you registered your HackenProof account (in case of violation, no bounty can be awarded)

All bug reports must come with a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) in order to be considered for a reward. For web/app bug reports, if the Report does not include a valid (PoC), the qualification of rewards will be decided according to reproducibility and severity of the vulnerability, and the rewards amount may be reduced significantly. The specific amount of the bounty will vary according to:

  • The potential for abuse of the bug
  • The detection complexity of an exploit of the bug
  • The impact of the bug.
  • Whether or not the person who reports the bug suggests a solution to the bug or helps in its resolution.

Critical smart contract vulnerabilities are capped at 10% of economic damage, primarily focused on the funds at risk, but also taking into account branding and PR considerations, at the discretion of the team.

All vulnerabilities that directly affect the smart contract, and app that directly cause unintentional withdrawals, draining of funds, or loss of user funds, are prioritized. Meaning, the team may choose to apply a temporary fix to the bug (or pause the contract) before resolving the bug report. This to ensure that the affected funds are safe while the team analyse the bug report, and NOT a confirmation of the bug report’s validity.

The only web vulnerabilities in scope are those which will directly lead to loss of user funds, or breach of sensitive data, or deletion of site data. For web vulnerabilities, the Cronos team will use CVSS calculator to figure out the severity and based on that they will determine the reward for the bounty.

Cronos team requires KYC to be done for all bug bounty hunters submitting a report and wanting a reward. Once the report is deemed valid, you will need to fill up the KYC form here. The collection of this information will be done by the Cronos team.

Payouts are handled by Cronos team and are denominated in USD. Payouts are done in USDC and USDT only, with the choice of the ratio at the discretion of the Cronos team.

Guidelines for Critical

For a bug report to be considered for the Critical category under our bug bounty program, a valid Proof of Concept (PoC) will be needed. Please adhere to the following conditions and guidelines:

  • Proof of Concept (PoC): Any report considered must include a comprehensive and valid PoC. This should include every step required to perform the attack, including any necessary staging or pre-work.
  • Financial Limit: The maximum monetary value, unrelated to flash-loans, involved in the PoC should not exceed $300. This amount is assumed to cover gas expenses and is sufficient for executing the attack.
  • Impersonation Restriction: The impersonation of wallets or contracts having considerable funds in the PoC is strictly forbidden.
  • Specific Details: To avoid ambiguity, the exact block number utilized in the PoC must be explicitly specified.
  • Staging and Transaction: Staging activities, such as creating a smart contract for the attack, is permissible. However, the actual exploit must occur within one transaction. The relevance and necessity of staging as part of the attack will ultimately be determined by the project team.
  • Execution Certainty: Hypotheses that can’t be unequivocally executed, like phishing attacks aimed at obtaining private keys, are exempt from consideration.
  • Damage Calculation: The potential economic damage caused by the attack in the PoC will be computed as follows:

    • Damage is gauged based on the net positive value post-attack.
    • This value is derived after deducting any initial capital or flash loans.
    • Non directly quantifiable consequences, such as immediate price drops or rewards dilution, will not be considered when calculating the potential damage scope.

There is also a discretionary bonus of up to $50,000. This is reserved for particularly ingenious findings that exemplify exceptional creativity or unveil significant potential impact on the project.

However, it’s crucial to understand that the award of this bonus is purely under the sole discretion of our project team and thus, may not be available for every qualifying submission. The bonus should not be regarded as a guaranteed reward, but rather a special recognition for exceptional findings.

Cronos team reserves the ultimate decision and will determine at its discretion whether a vulnerability is eligible for a reward and the amount of the award depending on severity.