LetsExchange offers users an instant cryptocurrency swap service with the widest range of supported cryptocurrencies on the market. Users can exchange crypto quickly and easily. Additionally, users can buy and sell crypto for fiat using credit cards, and take advantage of DEX and cross-chain bridge functionalities. The platform prioritizes convenience, security, and efficiency, ensuring a hassle-free experience for all users.
Target | Type | Severity | Reward |
https://letsexchange.io/ Copy Copied The LetsExchange.io website is the gateway to our cryptocurrency exchange services, providing users with access to features like instant swaps, a crypto bridge, and API integrations. The website is designed to deliver a seamless, secure, and intuitive experience for users across the globe. Researchers are invited to assess potential vulnerabilities in the website, including security flaws, improper handling of user data, cross-site scripting (XSS), or other issues that could compromise the platform's integrity or user trust. | Web | Critical | Bounty |
https://api.letsexchange.io/ Copy Copied LetsExchange.io's API is a powerful tool designed to integrate cryptocurrency exchange functionality into external platforms, such as wallets, aggregators, and other B2B solutions. This target focuses on ensuring the API's security, stability, and flawless operation in facilitating fast, efficient, and user-friendly crypto swaps. The API processes requests for exchanging over 3,000 cryptocurrencies, supports various workflows, and ensures high reliability and uptime for partner integrations. Researchers are encouraged to identify potential vulnerabilities, including improper handling of requests, unauthorized data access, or issues affecting integration performance. | API | Critical | Bounty |
https://letsexchange.io/?mode=bridge Copy Copied LetsExchange.io's Bridge is a centralized solution designed to facilitate seamless cross-chain operations for cryptocurrencies available on multiple networks. This feature leverages the platform’s core processing infrastructure to enable users to swap the same cryptocurrency between different blockchain networks quickly and efficiently. Researchers are encouraged to focus on potential vulnerabilities in the bridge's functionality. | Bridge | Critical | Bounty |
https://letsexchange.io/swap Copy Copied LetsExchange.io's Swap mode, integrated into our widget, offers users a seamless and instant cryptocurrency exchange experience. Supporting over 5,000+ coins and tokens across multiple blockchain networks, this feature ensures hassle-free swaps. Researchers are invited to explore potential vulnerabilities in the Swap mode, such as transaction inaccuracies, data leakage, unauthorized access, or issues affecting the user experience. The focus is on identifying risks that could impact the security, stability, or reliability of the exchange process. | Web | Critical | Bounty |
The LetsExchange.io website is the gateway to our cryptocurrency exchange services, providing users with access to features like instant swaps, a crypto bridge, and API integrations. The website is designed to deliver a seamless, secure, and intuitive experience for users across the globe.
Researchers are invited to assess potential vulnerabilities in the website, including security flaws, improper handling of user data, cross-site scripting (XSS), or other issues that could compromise the platform's integrity or user trust.
LetsExchange.io's API is a powerful tool designed to integrate cryptocurrency exchange functionality into external platforms, such as wallets, aggregators, and other B2B solutions. This target focuses on ensuring the API's security, stability, and flawless operation in facilitating fast, efficient, and user-friendly crypto swaps.
The API processes requests for exchanging over 3,000 cryptocurrencies, supports various workflows, and ensures high reliability and uptime for partner integrations. Researchers are encouraged to identify potential vulnerabilities, including improper handling of requests, unauthorized data access, or issues affecting integration performance.
LetsExchange.io's Bridge is a centralized solution designed to facilitate seamless cross-chain operations for cryptocurrencies available on multiple networks. This feature leverages the platform’s core processing infrastructure to enable users to swap the same cryptocurrency between different blockchain networks quickly and efficiently.
Researchers are encouraged to focus on potential vulnerabilities in the bridge's functionality.
LetsExchange.io's Swap mode, integrated into our widget, offers users a seamless and instant cryptocurrency exchange experience. Supporting over 5,000+ coins and tokens across multiple blockchain networks, this feature ensures hassle-free swaps.
Researchers are invited to explore potential vulnerabilities in the Swap mode, such as transaction inaccuracies, data leakage, unauthorized access, or issues affecting the user experience. The focus is on identifying risks that could impact the security, stability, or reliability of the exchange process.
We are interested in the following vulnerabilities:
Vulnerabilities found in out of scope resources are unlikely to be rewarded unless they present a serious business risk (at our sole discretion). In general, the following vulnerabilities do not correspond to the severity threshold:
We are happy to thank everyone who submits valid reports which help us improve the security. However, only those that meet the following eligibility requirements may receive a monetary reward: