Alex Horlan
СТО HackenProof

Meet Aptos Foundation

Aptos Foundation is a team of visionaries, researchers, strategists, designers, and builders—all committed to bringing decentralization to the masses.

Check Out The Rewards

If you find a vulnerability according to the bounty rules, Aptos Foundation will reward you:

  • Critical: $1,000,000
  • High: $100,000
  • Medium: $15,000

Join The Bounty Hunt

There is code to scope!

Make sure your reports contain info about these incidents:


  • Loss of Funds: up to $1,000,000
  • Consensus/Safety Violations: up to $500,000


  • Loss of Liveness / Network Availability: up to $100,000


  • API crash: up to $15,000
  • Test/Build Infrastructure Attack: up to $10,000

To increase your chances of finding a critical bug, read Aptos Foundation docs here.
Once you’re ready, click here to join the bounty hunt!