Hacken Ecosystem

Meet Avalanche

Avalanche is a blockchain platform with a Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm.

The new bounty focuses on Avalanche Bridge (AB). It connects directly to crypto wallets for fast, cheap, & secure transfers of Ethereum and Bitcoin assets to and from Avalanche.

Check Out The Rewards

If you find a vulnerability according to the bounty rules, Avalanche will reward you:

  • Critical: $10,000 – $100,000
  • High: $5,000 – $10,000
  • Medium: $1,000 – $5,000
  • Low: $100 – $1,000

Join Our Bounty Hunt

There are 43 assets to scope:

  • 41 smart contract
  • 2 web servers

Smart contracts include popular tokens like AAVE, BTC, USDT, SHIB, SWAP, and more!

Make sure your reports contain info about these incidents:

  • Double minting
  • Under-collateralizing on the Ethereum side
  • Any kind of smart contract authority changes
  • Application level denial-of-service attacks
  • Unauthorized access to Wardens and Enclave servers
  • Unauthorized write to public readable-only cloud storage endpoints
  • Cryptographic vulnerabilities
  • Leaked secrets or credentials
  • Web 2.0 vulnerabilities that undermines normal bridge operation, modifies the user interface or can lead to stolen funds

To increase your chances of finding a critical bug, read Avalanche Bridge documentation here.

Once you’re ready, click here to join the bounty hunt!