Alex Horlan
СТО HackenProof

Meet DeltaPrime

DeltaPrime is a decentralised borrowing and investing ecosystem. On DeltaPrime you can lend out, or invest with borrowed funds across the most popular protocols on Avalanche.

Check Out The Rewards

If you find a vulnerability according to the bounty rules, DeltaPrime will reward you:

  • Critical: $30,000 – $100,000
  • High: $10,000 – $20,000
  • Medium: $2,000 – $3,000
  • Low: $100 – $1,000

Join The Bounty Hunt

There is Smart Contract asset type to scope!

Make sure your reports contain info about these incidents:

  • Unauthorized transaction
  • Transaction manipulation
  • Attacks on logic (behavior of the code is different from the business description)
  • Reentrancy
  • Reordering

To increase your chances of finding a critical bug, read DeltaPrime whitepaper here.

Once you’re ready, click here to join the bounty hunt!