Demyd Korotkykh
Security analyst at HackenProof

Researching security of NEAR projects

The goal of the research was to learn how much the NEAR ecosystem is secured. To calculate this, we’ve agreed on 2 factors that determine the security:

  • code audits
  • bug bounties

The first thing off was listing all NEAR projects. When we were categorizing these projects, we noticed that a lot of them are associated with the blockchain rather than used to connect with the blockchain. That is why we’ve filtered out third-party projects that do not connect directly with NEAR.

In the end, we’ve got 515 projects:

  • 319 dApp
  • 157 Infrastructure
  • 39 Wallets

We’ve then counted how many NEAR projects are protected by either of the approaches.

NEAR Security Infographics

Research Insights

  • The Near blockchain looks less secure, with only a quarter of projects having audits or bug bounties. But when considering such a large ecosystem, it is necessary to look more broadly. Many NEAR projects use out-of-the-box solutions – all blockchain operations are automated.
  • Out-of-the-box solutions lower the entry threshold — it is easier to implement a project. Because of this, Near is the choice of artists, and the percentage of GameFi and NFT projects on this blockchain is close to 30% of all projects.